What we do

Love for Mercy programs and activities


The poverty rate (people who live below $1.25 per day) in Kenya range between 24% and 38%. Following the promulgation of the new constitution in 2010, devolution came into play and Kenya was subdivided into 47 semi-autonomous units (counties). This renewed investment in rural Kenya caused existing urban centres away from Nairobi to experience unprecedented growth.

But with this growth came an increase in informal settlements which today are home to up to 60% of residents of urban and peri-urban areas. The Government of Kenya, community-based organizations and civil societies/NGOs all have programs that provide social safety nets for vulnerable people. However, despite all these interventions, still, some vulnerable individuals and families fall through the cracks.

Programs and Activities

Assistance/Intervention Programs

Assistance and Intervention Programs

Assisting vulnerable children, women and families in urban and peri-urban informal settlements, and the rural poor with coordinated food and clothing distribution. Beneficiaries are usually vulnerable individuals not covered by government/county government social safety net programs and humanitarian programs by civil society/NGO’s.

Using data provided by our partners (faith based organizations, community resource people and community leaders). Love for Mercy accurately maps and tracks its Assistance & Intervention Programs to ensure the most needy individuals receive timely assistance.

Training & Psychosocial support

In partnership with faith based institutions and community resource people, Love for Mercy conducts basic training and psycho-social support to uplift vulnerable individuals and groups from their vulnerable status.

With consistent and effective training, support and membership, vulnerable groups can be gradually transformed from dependence to self-sustenance when paired with the appropriate opportunities for empowerment.

Tree Planting & Reforestation

Heeding the call of His Excellency the President, William Ruto, Love for Mercy integrated tree planting as a mentorship program under its intervention strategies.

Positive communal activities like tree planting and reforestation, promote environmental responsibility and also serve as effective tools to draw introverted vulnerable individuals from their isolation. These activities empower individuals to change their mindsets and, ultimately, their vulnerable status, in addition to combating climate change.